Disadvantage of Playing PUBG

Disadvantage & Side Effects of Playing PUBG

Disadvantage of Playing PUBG:

When I am free, I play sports.  When I am busy, I still play PUBG. It is to say that a PBL player  Whether you travel in the metro or in the bus or in the train, you will find people playing PUBG on mobile.  In the wake of the mobile game, many people have been killed. Just a few days ago, a teenager in Thane Maharashtra, killed his elder brother only because he refused to play PUBG.  You will find many such incidents that will force you to think that Pabji is really dangerous?  Today we will tell you about 8 diseases from PBJ in this report.

1. Game Addiction:

Due to playing PUBG, people are busy getting busy all day and bypassing their other works.  According to the report, the biggest reason for divorce in the UK is video games. You also waste your time in the addiction to games, and you get away from real life.

2. Poor Physical Health:

Playing games continuously in the same place is not right for health.  Whether you are playing a game on the phone or on the computer, both of you have a bad effect on your eyes and the eyes may be bad.  In this way, you may have a headache problem.  Apart from this, your back may also complain of pain.

3. Away From Society:

PUBG plays chatting only with the players of the game while playing.  In this way, you get separated from the world and society.  Whenever you get the time, you play the game.  You have no concern with society.  You seem to like staying in the house.  In such a way you can not meet the outsiders.

4. Sleeping Habit:

There are two reasons behind this.  First of all, due to lack of game, you do not go to sleep and you do not get sleep even after looking for another because of looking at the screen for a long time.

5. Poor Study Performance:

PUBG’s worst impact falls on studies. You do not have enough time to be busy playing games continuously.  As a result, the test result also gets worse.  In this case, you should think about it. Always remember this, this is just a video game and the world will not end in it.

Disadvantage of Playing PUBG Disadvantage of Playing PUBG Reviewed by Admin on August 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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