Top 20 Interesting Facts About Technology

All Best Interesting and Amazing Facts
Many facts in the world that you will never heard about. Today I’m gonna tell you some interesting facts about technology. Like Apple, Google & HP there are three such companies which started in the garage. Apart from this, the world's first famous mouse was made of the wood.  Although knowing such a fact may make you laugh, but this fact coffee in the technology world is a popular one.

Top 20 Interesting Facts About Technology 

 1. People in the world have their own mobile with more than their own Toothbrush.
 2. 90% Text Message is read within 3 minutes of being delivered.
 3. HTC's dream was to create the first Android phone.
 4. Out of 10 million Spam mail, only one person replies & Spammer earns a lot of money 
 5. Spam creates so much energy by producing 17 million tons of CO2 that 24 lakh houses have electricity for 1 year.
 6. Over 2 billion TVs have been used so far.
 7. The first cell phone virus found in 2004.
 8. After 2008 video games were sold for DVDs.
 9. A search made on Google produces so many Co2 that any items kept in the kettle can be boiled.
 10. 20% of all YouTube videos are related to music.
 11. Every sale on eBay is sold at $ 680.
 12. 91% of people keep their mobile all day away so that they can reach their hands.
 13. 80 million Americans only use mobile to run the internet and not to make calls.
 14. Every day 500 Apps are edited in the Windows Phone Store.
 15. Amazon is actually a company selling the printed book but today, see more than it sells e-books.
 16. The first banner ads on any website were shown in 1994.
 17. Do you know that another name for the Microsoft Windows Tutorial is Crash Course.
 18. Mosaic, the first Web Browser that was a huge hit, it was released in 1993.
 19. 22 million tons of computers are trashed every year in the US.

 20. Google uses 15 billion kWh of electricity every year, which is more than many countries.

Top 20 Interesting Facts About Technology Top 20 Interesting Facts About Technology Reviewed by Admin on May 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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